Wednesday, September 7, 2011

N-R Interviews S -H.

The Play : EXPplosion-COMMOTION-Investigation
Director : Mr. Vacuun.//Characters ; Shalock Home(S-H) & NEWS RETORTER (N-R)
N-R : Exposion by terrorist
S-H : how do U know
= Emai came from a group
=what does it prove
=It's terrorism
=Elimentary ,-Watson, Alimentary ! It may prove deception.What does the CCTV shows.
= No CCTV there;not put up any yet.
=All spent in C.W.G. ; Now ,what to to do ?
=Not now but then. Should have requested all offenders,in home and abroad , to, kindly,wait until the CCTVs are fitted or please, send their ID-adres.
= why
=to smartly arrest them.
=if they don't ?
=Call them 'cowards' or 'Bey-Saramii-Dushhmsn .But use the word 'Please'.
= Why .
= Be specially Polite, when U fail.